Sep 9, 2019
This week the guys talk tree stand safety awareness with life
line builder Jim Jacques of SafeTree Hunting Systems.
Talking about Jim's accident
- Took a fall out of a treestand in 2002
- First day of hunting season while climbing into a homemade
- Fell 8 feet
- Broke ankle
- Getting to the hospital
The Beginning of SafeTree Hunting Systems
- His nephew brought the idea of using climbing ropes
- The Prusik Knot
Danny's Accident
Hot to place the line in the tree without climbing first
- Climb with gear like a lineman's belt and place the life line
in the tree.
- Use a haul line and weight it so you can throw over a limb. Use
the haul line to pull your life line up.
SafeTree Hunting System on facebook, twitter and instagram
The life lines
- Uses Bluewater Ropes
- Static line
- 7/16 line, prusik line is 6 or 7mm
- Ropes last for years
- Learn to tie the prusik knot
How you measure what length you need in a stand
After a fall do you need to replace the line or the prusik
Uses for saddle hunters
Pricing of different lengths
The amount of speed and force of falling from different
Percentages of fall with treestand types
- Climbers
- Hang ons
- Home made
- Ladder Stands
Harness gear
- Try them on first
- Try different types
Talking to Jim the hunter
- Grew up in Tawas Michigan,
- Started at deer camp as a youngster
- Use to watch Michigan Outdoors
- Hunted with his dad on private land
- Favorite hunt
- Favorite wild game meal
- Favorite music to listen to while heading to camp
- Favorite snack in the blind
Talking about the Woods and Water show this weekend.